EABIP Executive Committee

Grigoris Stratakos

Grigoris Stratakos


National and Kapodistrian University
Athens, Greece
E-mail: grstrat@hotmail.com

Grigoris Stratakos

Erik (H.F.M.) van der Heijden

President Elect

Radboud University Medical Center,
Nijmegen, Netherlands
E-mail: erik.vanderheijden@radboudumc.nl

Mohammed Munavvar

Mohammed Munavvar

Past President

Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire Teaching Hospital
Preston, United Kingdom
E-mail: mmunavvar55@gmail.com

No image available

Antonio Bugalho

Director of Finance and Industry Relations

CUF Tejo, CUF Descobertas Hospital, NOVA Medical School
Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: antonio.bugalho@gmail.com

Tudor Toma

Tudor Toma


Lewisham & Greenwich University NHS Trust
London, UK
E-mail: iosintudor@googlemail.com

Tudor Toma

Lina Zuccatosta

Director of Membership and Education

Operative Unit of Pneumology, Ospedali Riuniti University Hospital
Ancona, Italy
E-mail: linazuccatosta@tiscali.it

No image available

Spasoje Popevic

Director of Website and Scientific Affairs

Clinic for Pulmonology, University Clinical Centre of Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: spasapop@gmail.com

No image available

Convin SA
Office Manager

E-mail: info@eabip.org