During these 20 years, EABIP has not ceased to grow, flourish and mature thanks to the dedication and inspired work of the previous EC members such as Herve Dutau, Semra Bilaceraglu and most recently Lorenzo Corbetta, Maria Simon and Mohamed Munavvar who currently serves as immediate past President.
The principal priorities of EABIP have always been and still remain to promote Education, Training and Research in all aspects of Interventional Pulmonology.
To achieve our objectives, we have enhanced our educational activities, including conferences, courses and workshops throughout Europe and beyond. The last European Congress for Bronchology and IP in Athens was the first big international physical/hybrid meeting after the COVID pandemic and enjoyed huge success and participation of many colleagues from all around the world, stimulating knowledge exchange and clinical collaboration/ research.
We have long established a close working relationship with WABIP and a number of national respiratory and bronchoscopy societies. Our recently developed interactive and informative website is more user friendly and is updated on a regular basis
Our 20th anniversary coincides with a period of great evolution and expansion in the field of Interventional Pulmonology, stretching across a plethora of subspecialties including the small peripheral lung lesions diagnostic and therapeutic approach and robotic bronchoscopy, the precise staging techniques for malignancy, the bronchoscopic therapies for emphysema, the management of a variety of pleural pathologies, the novel tracheobronchial stents placement and live endo microscopy to name just a few.
Development and implementation of procedural training and assessment strategies, recognition of centers of excellence throughout Europe and communication of their academic curricula to all our members thus building a European Web of Training Centers in IP, are among our priorities for the very near future.
None of the above ambitious endpoints could be realized without your active and energetic participation. Together we can make the difference.
I look very much forward to welcoming you all in our next Annual General Meeting in Marseilles during the WCBIP next month.
Until then, please accept my warmest regards and the very best of wishes.
Grigoris Stratakos
President EABIP